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1246V1166徐州美驰桥半轴锥套 1246V1166

1246V1166徐州美驰桥半轴锥套 1246V1166
  • 1246V1166徐州美驰桥半轴锥套 1246V1166



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  • 1246V1166
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济南海铎商贸有限公司 发货并提供售后服务
  • 蓬翔徐工宽体矿用车回油过滤器 蓬翔
  • 蓬翔徐工宽体矿用车蹄片轴 SQ3502382KG01
  • 蓬翔徐工宽体矿用车销 3501082KP001
  • 蓬翔徐工宽体矿用车螺栓 M16*140GB5782 10.9级
  • 蓬翔徐工宽体矿用车螺栓 M16GB6170
  • 蓬翔徐工宽体矿用车螺栓 M16*45GB5783 10.9
  • 蓬翔徐工宽体矿用车螺栓 M20*170GB5782 10.9
  • 蓬翔徐工宽体矿用车螺母 M20GB6170
  • 蓬翔徐工宽体矿用车螺栓 M16*40GB5789 10.9级
  • 型号1246V1166
  • 品牌徐州美驰车桥配件
  • 产地济南海铎
  • 陕汽轩德
  • 陕汽德龙
  • 陕汽通家
  • 陕汽奥龙
  • 延安
  • 欧舒特
  • 华山
  • 重汽汕德卡
  • 重汽豪沃
  • 重汽豪瀚
  • 重汽斯太尔
  • 临工MT86
  • 陕西通力
  • 陕西同力
  • 徐州美驰
  • 汉德车桥
  • 蓬翔桥

4110001187002 十二角螺母  Nut Y 1

4110001188001 φ180凸缘 Flange Y 1

4110001188002 防尘罩 Shield Y 1

4110001187004 主减油封 Ring Y 1

4110001188003 油封座 Seat Y 1

4110001187006 圆锥滚子轴承Taper-roller bearing Y 1

4110001187064 六角法兰面承面带齿螺栓-细牙Bolt Y 8

4110001188004 轴承座-Seat Y 1

4110001188005 O型圈-O-ring Y 1

4110001187076 调整垫片Washer Y 1

4110001187068 圆锥滚子轴承-Taper-roller bearing Y 1

4110001163002 主被动齿轮副-Active taper gear Y 1

4110001187070 圆柱滚子轴承-Taper-roller bearing Y 1

4110001187069 止推环-Ring Y 1

4110001187066 调整垫片-Gasket Y 1

4110001188007 后桥主减速器壳总成Reducer assembly Y 1

4110001187062 油堵Plug Y 1

4110001187061 调整螺母Nut Y 2

4110001187073 轴承Y 2

4110001187058 六角法兰面承面带齿螺栓Bolt Y 16

4110001163003 差速器壳(左)-Differential case (left) Y 1

4110001187054 半轴齿轮垫片Gasket Y 1 

4110001187052 半轴齿轮-Gear Y 2

4110001187060 六角法兰面承面带齿螺栓Bolt Y 2

4110001187059 锁止片Gasket Y 2

4110001187049 六角头螺栓-细牙Bolt Y 4

4110001187048 圆柱销Pin Y 4

4110001187055 球面垫片Gasket Y 4

4110001187053 行星齿轮-Gear Y 4

4110001187056 十字轴-Cross axis Y 2

4110001187057 十字轴-Cross axis Y 1

4110001163004 差速器壳(右)-Differential case (right) Y 1 

4110001163006 后桥壳总成Rear axle housing assembly Y 1

4110001187079 通气口总成Vent Y 1

4110001187071 全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母Nut Y 12

4110001187041 圆柱销Pin Y 12

4110001187072 双头螺柱Stude Y 2

4110001187062 油堵Plug Y 1 

4110001187089 圆柱头内六角螺塞Screw Y 4

4110001187090 密封垫圈Ring Y 4

4110001187088 六角法兰面螺栓Bolt Y 20

4110001187087 端盖Cover Y 2

4110001182036 十字槽沉头螺钉Screw Y 12

4110001187111 制动鼓Brake drum Y 2

4110001162011 带齿面配合螺钉Hex bolt Y 2

4110001187082 行星架总成Plant carrier Y 2

4110001187084 止推垫片Gasket Y 20

4110001187085 太阳轮止推垫片Gasket Y 4

4110001187095 轴用弹性挡圈Gasket Y 2

4110001187096 垫圈Gasket Y 2

4110001187092 太阳轮Sun wheel Y 2

4110001187086 行星齿轮Gear Y 10

4110001187093 轴用压扁钢丝挡圈Gasket Y 2

4110001162012 行星轮轴Planet gear axle Y 10

4110001162013 滚针总成Quill roller bearing assembly Y 10

4110001187094 孔用弹性挡圈Gasket Y 2

4110001187091 调整垫片Gasket Y 1

4110001187103 内齿圈Internal ring gear Y 2

4110001188028 齿圈支架Gear ring holder Y 2

4110001187102 孔用弹性挡圈Gasket Y 2 

4110001187105 圆锥滚子轴承Taper-roller bearing Y 2

4110001187083 O型密封圈O-ring Y 4

4110001182005 车轮组合螺母Nut Y 24

4110001187104 轮毂Hub Y 2

4110001187108 车轮螺栓Bolt Y 24

4110001187106 圆锥滚子轴承Taper-roller bearing Y 2

4110001187107 轮毂油封Ring Y 2

4110001187109 挡油罩Shield Y 2

4110001187110 隔圈Gasket Y 2

4110001162014 垫片Washer Y 2

4110001162015 O型密封圈O style packing ring Y 2

4110001187112 内六角螺栓Bolt Y 36

4110001187114 制动器总成Drum brake Y 2

4110001187100 十字槽沉头螺钉Screw Y 2

4110001187099 锁紧螺母Nut Y 2

4110001187098 止推垫圈Washer Y 2

4110001187097 锁紧螺母Nut Y 2

4110001162016 半轴Axle shaft Y 2

4190002273 制动凸轮轴(左)Brake cam shaft(left) Y 1

4110001182054 轴用弹性挡圈Gasket Y 2

4110001182054 轴用弹性挡圈Gasket Y 8

4110001182003 六角头螺栓Bolt Y 8 

4110001187121 外球座Seat Y 2

4110001187122 油封Ring Y 4

4110001187125 滑酯嘴Oil cup Y 2

4110001187124 球轴承Ball bearing Y 2

4110001187126 内球座Seat Y 2

4110001187133 六角头螺栓-细牙Bolt Y 8

411000188052 气室支架(左)Cover Y 1

4110001187132 调整垫片Gasket Y 1

4110001187131 间隙调整臂Adjust arm Y 2

4110001182068 垫圈Washer Y 2

4110001182066 调整垫圈Washer Y 1

4110001182069 轴用弹性挡圈Gasket Y 2

4110001182074 开口销Pin Y 2

4110001182073 平垫圈Washer Y 2

4110001182071 膜片式弹簧制动气室(左)Brake drum Y 2

4110001182072 销轴Pin Y 2 

4110001187121 外球座Seat Y 2

4110001187122 油封Ring Y 4

4110001187125 滑酯嘴Oil cup Y 2

4110001187124 球轴承Ball bearing Y 2

4110001187126 内球座Seat Y 2

4110001187133 六角头螺栓-细牙Bolt Y 8

411000188052 气室支架(左)Cover Y 1

4110001187132 调整垫片Gasket Y 1

4110001187131 间隙调整臂Adjust arm Y 2

4110001182068 垫圈Washer Y 2

4110001182066 调整垫圈Washer Y 1

4110001182069 轴用弹性挡圈Gasket Y 2

4110001182074 开口销Pin Y 2

4110001182073 平垫圈Washer Y 2

4110001182071 膜片式弹簧制动气室(左)Brake drum Y 2

4110001182072 销轴Pin Y 2 

4110001182037 堵塞Plug Y 2

4110000819012 六角头螺栓Bolt Y 6

4110001182039 弹簧垫圈Washer Y 6

4110001187116 防尘罩Shield Y 1

4110001182041 衬套Sleeve Y 1

4110001182022 米制锥螺纹滑脂嘴Oil cup Y 1

4110001162019 回位弹簧Return spring Y 1

4110001182042 回位弹簧销Spring pin Y 2

4110001182043 支撑弹簧Spring Y 2

4110001182044 滚轮轴Axle Y 2

4110001187117 制动蹄Brake hoof Y 2

4110001182047 铆钉Rivet Y 80

4110001187118 摩擦片Friction piece Y 4

4110001182048 下回位弹簧Spring Y 2

4110001182049 制动蹄销Pin Y 1

4110001182050 销Pin Y 1

4110001182051 制动底板Plate Y 1 

4110000329001 小六角头头部带孔螺栓Capscrew--N 2

4110000329002 -圈10 Washer-gb N 2

4110001003002 一轴轴承盖Gasket for input shaft bearing cover Y 1

4110000395003 六角头螺栓和弹簧垫圈组合exangular bolts with glue and spring gasket Y 4

4110000329002 垫圈Washer

41100003290051骨架油封总成 Skeleton oil seal assemblyY 1

4110001003003 一轴轴承盖衬垫 Gasket for input shaft bearing cover Y 1

4110000329006 小六角头螺栓 Capscrew- N 2

4110000329007 弹簧垫圈12 LockwasheN 2

4110000329008 双头螺栓 Double-headed  N 6

4110000329009 垫圈16 Washer-gb N 6

4110000329010 六角尼龙圈锁紧螺母 Nylon nut- N 6

4110000329012 防尘罩 Dust-proof cover--1 Y 2

4110000329014 拨叉轴套 Spacer--2 Y 2

4110000329013 孔用弹性挡圈 Snap ring-Y 2

4110000329011 轴用弹性挡圈 Snap ring-Y 2

4110000329150 关节轴承 Bearing Y 1

4110000329016 六角头螺栓 Capscrew-N 4

4110000343021 弹簧垫圈 E Y 4

4110001003004 拨叉支架-1 Release york bracket Y 1

4110001003005 分离拨叉 Clutch shift fork Y 1

4110000329019 分离拨叉轴 Release york shaft Y 1 

4110000329020 分离轴承润滑管总成 Pipe- Y 1

4110000329021 管接头 Capscrew- Y 1

4110000329023 滑脂杯盖 Plug cover- Y 1

4110000329022 滑脂杯座 Grease plug- Y 1

4110000329024 密封垫圈 Washerq-Y 2

4110000329030 离合器手孔盖 Hand hole cover Y 1

4110001003007 离合器壳 Clutch cover Y 1

4110001003008 六角头螺栓和弹簧垫圈组合件 Hexangular bolts and spring gasket Y 2 

4110001003010 一轴 Input shaft Y 1

4110001003011 一轴齿轮 Gear Y 1

4110001003012 止动环 Stop ring Y 1

4110001003013 齿轮隔垫 Distance gasket of gears Y 1

4110001003014 轴承(带止动环)Bearing Y 1

4110001003015 轴用弹性挡圈 Elastic ring Y 1 

4110000395029 底取力窗口盖 Cover of bottom pto window Y 1

4110000395030 底取力窗口衬垫 Gasket for bottom pto window Y 1

4110000395022 圆磁铁 Round magnet Y 3

4110000395003 预涂胶六角头螺栓和弹簧垫圈组合

4110000395031 油堵 Oil plug Y 3

4110000395032 O型密封圈 O-ring Y 3

4110001003017 变速器壳体 Cover Y 1

4110000395023 型六角螺母 1# hexangular nut N 2

4110000343024 弹簧垫圈 E N 2

4110001003018 双头螺栓 Bolt Y 2 

4110001003020 中间轴传动齿轮 Gear Y 1

4110001003021 隔套 Spacer sleeve Y 1

4110001003022 中间轴六档齿轮 Gear Y 1

4110001002002 中间轴五档齿轮  Gear Y 1

4110001002003 中间轴四档齿轮  Gear Y 1

4110001002004 中间轴  Axle Y 1

4110001003026 左后中间轴 Input shaft Y 1

4110000395051 弹性圆柱销 Spring column pin N 1

4110001003027 中间轴四方键 Square key of countershaft Y 1 

4110001003020 中间轴传动齿轮 Gear Y 1

4110001003021 隔套 Spacer sleeve Y 1

4110001003022 中间轴六档齿轮 Gear Y 1

4110001002002 中间轴五档齿轮  Gear Y 1

4110001002003 中间轴四档齿轮  Gear Y 1

4110001002004 中间轴  Axle Y 1

4110001003029 左后中间轴 Input shaft Y 1

4110000395051 弹性圆柱销 Spring column pin N 1

4110001003027 中间轴四方键 Square key of countershaft Y 1 

4110001003031 轴用弹性挡圈 Washer Y 1

4110001003032 轴承 Bearing Y 1

4110001003033 四五六七档滑套 Spacer sleeve Y 2

4110001003034 二轴六档齿轮 Gear Y 1

4110001002007 二轴五档齿轮  Gear Y 1

4110001003036 二轴齿轮垫片 Washer Y 3

4110001002008 二轴四档齿轮  Gear Y 1

4110001003038 三档齿轮挡板 Plate Y 1

4110001002009 二轴三档齿轮  Gear Y 1

4110001002010 二轴二档齿轮  Gear Y 1

4110001003041 二轴一二档齿轮隔套 Spacer sleeve Y 1

4110001003042 二轴一档齿轮 Gear Y 1

4110001003043 倒一二三档滑套 Spacer sleeve Y 2

4110001003044 低档齿轮调整垫 Washer Y 3

4110001003045 二轴倒档齿轮 Gear Y 1

4110001003046 倒档齿轮挡板 Plate Y 1

4110001003047 二轴 Shaft Y 1

4110000395044 弹性圆柱销 Spring column pin N 2

4110001003048 二轴前段六角键 Hexangular key of main shaft Y 2

4110001003049 圆柱销 Pin Y 1

4110001003050 二轴中段六角键 Hexangular key of main shaft Y 2

4110001003051 二轴后段六角键 Hexangular key of main shaft Y 2 

4110001003053 端直角管接头体 Joint Y 2

4110001003054 C形扣压胶管总成 Pipe Y 2

4110001003055 加长中间轴轴承盖 Cover Y 1

4110001003056 扩口式锥螺纹直角管接头体 Joint Y 2

4110001003057 接头 Joint Y 1

4110001003126 中间轴轴承盖衬垫 Washer Y 2

4110000395003 预涂胶六角头螺栓和弹簧垫圈组合

4110000395025 后盖定位销 Locating pin of rear cover Y 2

4110001003058 O型圈 O-ring Y 4

4110001003059 倒档中间轴 Shaft Y 2

4110001003060 后盖壳体 Cover Y 1

4110001003061 网式滤油器 Filter Y 1

4110001003062 倒档止推垫圈 Washer Y 4

4110001003063 滚针轴承 Needle bearing Y 2

4110001003064 倒档中间齿轮 Gear Y 2

4110001003065 弹性圆柱销 Pin Y 4

4110001003066 输油管 Hose Y 1

4110001003067 倒档齿轮轴锁片 Lock piece Y 2

4110001003068 预涂胶六角头螺栓和弹簧垫圈组合件 Hexangular bolts with glue and spring gasket Y 4

4110001003069 右中间轴后轴承盖Cover Y 1

4110001003070 摆线齿轮泵 Gear pump Y 1 

4110001003125 LRC外换档臂 Arm Y 1

4110000395103 -六角头螺栓 Hexangular head bolt N 1

4110001003124 垫圈10  Washer Y 1

4110000395104 -六角螺母 Hexangular nut N 1

4110000395105 -油封 Oil seal Y 1

4110000156186 螺栓 Bolt m10×25 Y 5

4110000342022 弹簧垫圈 D N 1

4110000395106 -横向换档杆衬套 Bush of horizontal shifting lever Y 2

4110000395107 端盖 Cover Y 1

4110000395108 挡板衬垫 Bush Y 1

4110000395109 换档接头 Shifting pipe connecter Y 1

4110000395110 花键套 Spline bush Y 1

4110001003123 横向换档杆 Horizontal shifting lever Y 1

4110000395112 弹性圆柱销 Spring-typer straight pin Y 2

4110000395113 控制块 Control block Y 1

4110000395114 拨头 Tuck Y 1

4110000395115 圆柱销 Parallel pin Y 1

4110001003072 压力开关(空档) Switch Y 1

4110000395117 密封垫圈 Airproof gasket N 1

4110001003073 限位套 Spacer sleeve Y 1

4110000329102 压缩弹簧 Compressed spring Y 1

4110000395120 垫密圈 Sealing loop Y 1 

4110000395121 压力开关(倒档) Pressure switch Y 1

4110000395142 弹簧座 Spring pedestal Y 2

4110000395143 弹簧隔套 Spring distance sleeve Y 1

4110000395124 衬垫 Bush Y 2

4110000395125 弹簧压盖 Compressed spring Y 2

4110000395126 选档接头 Connecter Y 1

4110000395127 定位螺钉 Screw Y 2

4110000395128 平键 Key N 1

4110000395129 窗口盖 Cover of window Y 1

4110000395130 窗口衬垫 Gasket of window Y 1

4110000395131 通气塞总成 Breather plug assembly Y 1

4110000395132 止动螺钉 Stopper screw Y 1

4110000395133 操纵装置壳体 Housing of controlling device Y 1

4110000395134 选档拨头 Connecter Y 1

4110000395135 O型密封圈 O-ring N 1

4110000395136 垫圈 Gasket Y 1

4110000395137 六角头头部带孔螺栓 Hexangular bolts with hole on head N 1

4110000395137 六角头头部带孔螺栓 Hexangular bolts with hole on head N 1

4110000395139 压缩弹簧 Compressed spring Y 1

4110000395140 双H气阀衬垫 Double-h valve gasket Y 1

4110001003074 双H气阀挡板 Plate Y 1

4110000395148 内六角圆柱头螺钉和弹簧垫圈组 

4110000395146 六角头螺栓和弹簧垫圈组合件 Hexangular bolt and spring gasket Y 4

4110000329076 侧板 Side plate Y 1

4110000329101 端垫 Ending washer Y 1

4110000342025 弹簧垫圈 D N 4

4110001003075 六角头螺栓-细牙 Bolt Y 4 

4110001003100 六角头螺栓 Bolt Y 3

4110001003077 气缸盖 Cover Y 1

4110000395234 气缸盖衬垫 Gasket, cylinder cover Y 1

4110001003078 限位套 Spacer sleeve Y 1

4110001003079 气缸体 Cylinder block Y 1

4110000395238 气缸衬垫 Gasket cylinder Y 1

4110001003080 1型非金属嵌六角锁紧螺母 Nut Y 1

4110001003081 活塞Piston Y 1

4110001003082 回位弹簧 Spring Y 1

4030000020    O形圈 O-ring  Y 1

4110000395248 型密封圈 O-ring  Y 1

4110001003083 活塞叉轴 Shaft Y 1

4110000395247 止动螺钉 Stop screw Y 1

4110001003084 拨叉 York Y 1

4110001003099 六角头螺栓 Bolt Y 4

4110001003085 后轴承盖 Cover Y 1

4110000395231 纸垫 Gasket N 1

4110000395228 调整垫片 Adjusting washer Y 1

4110001003086 输出轴接头 Joint Y 1

4110001003087 六角头螺栓和弹簧垫圈组合 Hexangular bolts with glue and spring gasket Y 4

4110000395255 方槽锥形磁性螺塞 Square-slot taper magnetic screw plug N 1

4110001003088 取力器壳体 Cover Y 1 

4110001003089 输出齿轮轴 Shaft Y 1

4110000395261 圆锥滚子轴承 Taper roller bearing) N 2

4110000395253 内六角圆柱头螺钉 Inner hex cylindrical screw N 5

4110001003090 侧盖衬垫 Washer Y 1

4110001003091 圆柱销 Pin Y 2

4110001003092 侧盖 Cover Y 1

4110001003093 内六角圆柱头螺钉 Screw Y 4

4110001003094 普通平键(C型)Straight key Y 1

4110000329098 压力开关 Pressure switch Y 1

4110001003095 开关防护套Spacer sleeve Y 1

4110000395258 六角头螺栓 Hex bolt Y 4

4110000395249 标牌铆钉 Screw on rivet N 2

4110000395225 标牌 Id plate Y 1

4110000395221 端盖 End cover Y 1

4110000395264 轴承42111 Bearing 42111 N 1

4110000395222 端盖衬垫 Gasket end cover Y 1

4110000395220 轴承挡板 Retainer plate, bearing Y 1

4110000395233 离合齿套 Clutch gear sleeve Y 1

4110000395257 六角头螺栓 Hex bolt N 1

4110001003097 圆锥销 Pin Y 21

4110000395243 四档齿轮轴承隔套 Spacing sleeve, bearing, 4th gear Y 1

4110000395218 套 Sleeve Y 1 

4110000395044 弹性圆柱销 Spring column pin N 1

4110000395219 输入齿轮 Input gear Y 1

4110000395265 滚针轴承 Needle bearing N 2

4110000395217 轴承隔套 Spacing sleeve, bearing Y 1

4110000395216 空心轴 Hollow shaft Y 1

4110001003098 油封 Oil sea Y 1 

4110001003102 二轴后轴承盖衬垫 Washer Y 1

4110001003103 主轴后轴承盖 Oil sea Y 1

4110000395212 主轴后轴承盖油封 Oil seal of rear bearing cover of mainshaft Y 1

4110000395211 油封 Oil seal Y 1

4110000342022 弹簧垫圈 D N 6

4110001003104 六角头螺栓 Bolt Y 6 

4110001003106 上盖 Cover Y 1

4110001003107 六七档拨叉轴 Shaft Y 1

4110001003108 六七档拨叉 York Y 1

4110001003109 六七档导块 Block Y 1

4110001003110 四五档导块 Block Y 1

4110001003111 四五档拨叉 York Y 1

4110001003112 四五档拨叉轴 Shaft Y 1

4110001003113 一倒档拨叉 York Y 1

4110001003114 一倒档拨叉轴 Shaft Y 1

4110001003115 二三档拨叉轴 Shaft Y 1

4110001003116 二三档拨叉 York Y 1

4110001003117 碗型塞片 Bowl plug piece Y 1

4110000395087 拨叉轴联锁销 Yoke shaft interlock pin Y 2

4110001003122 钢球 Ball Y 3

4110000395080 换档拨叉锁止螺钉 Lock bolt of shift yoke Y 7

4110000395088 钢球 Steel ball N 4

4110000395091 双头螺栓 Bi-ends bolt Y 4

4110000395092 六角螺母 Hexangular nut Y 2

4110000395093 六角薄螺母 Hexangular thin nut N 1

4110000329059 压缩弹簧 Compressed spring Y 1

4110000329058 压缩弹簧 Compressed spring Y 3

4110001003118 一倒档导块 Block Y 1 

4110000329062 倒档锁螺塞 Lock plug screw, reverse Y 1

4110001003119 倒档锁弹簧 Spring Y 1

4110001003120 倒档锁柱塞 Plug Y 1

4110001003121 弹性圆柱销 Pin Y 2 

4015000182 垫圈GB97.1-18EpZn-300HV Washer gb97.1-18epzn-300hv N 4

4015000177 垫圈GB97.1-14EpZn-300HV Washer gb97.1-14epzn-300hv N 2

4015010217 垫圈GB955-14 Washer gb955-14epzn N 2

4015010216 垫圈GB955-10 Washer gb955-10 N 2

27130112371 减震器下支架 Stents under shock absorber Y 2

4011010190 螺栓GB5782-M14*75EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5782-m14*75epzn-8.8 Y 2

4013010121 螺母GB6185-M14EpZn-8 Nut gb6185-m14epzn-8 N 6

27130102341 粗簧减振器总成 Spring bumper assembly Y 2

4011000832 螺栓GB5782-M14*80EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5782-m14*80epzn-8.8 N 2

27130102331 套管 Sleeve Y 2

27130102321 套筒 Sleeve Y 2

4011010155 螺栓GB5782-M14*100EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5782-m14*100epzn-8.8 Y 2

27130102241 减震器间隔套筒 Damper spacer sleeve Y 2

27130102272 驾驶室后悬架 Rear suspension assembly of cab N 1

27130112381 导轮支架 Wheel bracket Y 1

27130102471 减震器下支架 Damper subframe Y 2

4011000832 螺栓GB5782-M14*80EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5782-m14*80epzn-8.8 N 2

4013010121 螺母GB6185-M14EpZn-8 Nut gb6185-m14epzn-8 N 6

27130102851 长簧减震器总成 Long spring bumper assembly Y 2

4011010190 螺栓GB5782-M14*75EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5782-m14*75epzn-8.8 Y 2

27130102331 套管 Sleeve Y 2

27130102321 套筒 Sleeve Y 2

4011010155 螺栓GB5782-M14*100EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5782-m14*100epzn-8.8 Y 2

27130102241 减震器间隔套筒 Damper spacer sleeve Y 2

27130102272 驾驶室后悬架 Rear suspension assembly of cab N 1

27130102481 导轮支架 Guid roller bracket N 1

4190000304007 CN210157座椅上部 Upper part of seat cn210157 Y 1

4190000304008 CN210158座椅围罩 Seat cover cn210158 Y 1

4190000304009 CN210159座椅高调 Hight regulation of seat cn210159 Y 1

4190000304010 CN210160座椅减震 Seat damper cn210160 Y 1

4190000304011 CN210161座椅滑轨 Seat slide rail cn210161 Y 1

4190000304012 节气阀78055 Throttle valve 78055 Y 1

4011000082 螺栓GB5783-M10*25EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5783-m10*25epzn-8.8 N 4

27130102582 橡胶皮 Rubber blade Y 1

27130102601 压条 Clamping plate N 1

4013010119 螺母GB6185-M10EpZn-8 Nut gb6185-m10epzn-8 N 8

4015000197 垫圈GB96.1-10EpZn-300HV Washer gb96.1-10epzn-300hv N 8

27130104151 左支撑架 Left support bracket Y 1

27130113531 橡胶垫 Rubber gasket Y 2

4015000162 垫圈GB97.1-10EpZn-300HV Washer gb97.1-10epzn-300hv N 12

4011000084 螺栓GB5783-M10*30EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5783-m10*30epzn-8.8 N 8

27130105061 左挡泥瓦 Left mudguard Y 1

4011000082 螺栓GB5783-M10*25EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5783-m10*25epzn-8.8 N 4

27130102582 橡胶皮 Rubber blade Y 1

27130102601 压条 Clamping plate N 1

4013010119 螺母GB6185-M10EpZn-8 Nut gb6185-m10epzn-8 N 8

4015000197 垫圈GB96.1-10EpZn-300HV Washer gb96.1-10epzn-300hv N 8

27130104111 右支撑架 Right support bracket Y 1

27130113531 橡胶垫 Rubber gasket Y 2

4015000162 垫圈GB97.1-10EpZn-300HV Washer gb97.1-10epzn-300hv N 12

4011000084 螺栓GB5783-M10*30EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5783-m10*30epzn-8.8 N 8

27130105071 右挡泥瓦 Right mudguard Y 1

4190001098504 遮阳帘 WS33002550065 Sun screen ws33002550065 Y 1

4190001098505 前帽檐 Visor ws33002550172 Y 1

4190001098506 顶棚内饰件 WS33002550020 Canopy trim ws33002550020 Y 1

4190001098507 前顶内饰(左) WS33002550001 Roof decoration(left) ws33002550001 Y 1

4190001098508 扬声器 Loudspeaker ws33002550171 Y 2

4190001098509 长盖板 WS33002550018 Plate(long) ws33002550018 Y 2

4190001098510 大盖板 WS33002550017 Plate(big) ws33002550017 Y 4

4190001098511 前顶内饰(右) WS33002550005 Roof decoration(right) ws33002550005 Y 1

4190001098512 内顶灯盖板 WS33002550019 Plate-cab light ws33002550019 Y 2

4190001098513 收放机 WS33002550066 Radio ws33002550066 Y 1

4190001098514 前顶内饰(中) WS33002550004 Roof decoration(middle) ws33002550004 Y 1

4190001098516 后围内饰件 WS33002550003 Rear coaming trim ws33002550003 Y 1

4190001098518 挂衣钩 WS33002550084 Dropper ws33002550084 Y 1

4190001098519 后围玻璃 WS33002550047 Glasses-rear wall ws33002550047 Y 1

4190001098520 后围玻璃卡条 Seal-rear wall glasses ws33002550174 Y 1

4190001098522 机罩 WS33002550104 Engine cover ws33002550104 Y 1

4190001098523 地垫 WS33002550103 Underfoot mat ws33002550103 Y 1

4190001098524 隔热层(大) WS33002550102 Heat shield(big)ws33002550102 Y 1

4190001098525 隔热层(小) WS33002550101 Heat shield(small)ws33002550101 Y 1

4190001098526 铰链 WS33002550152 Joint ws33002550152 Y 2

4190001098527 电器箱箱体 Battery box(body) ws33002550176 Y 1

4190001098530 电器箱软垫盖板 Cushion-battery box ws33002550177 Y 1

4190001098531 电器箱支撑铰链总成 Joint assembly-battery box ws33002550146 Y 1

4190001098532 电器箱锁块总成 WS33002550114 Lock-battery box ws33002550114 Y 2

4190001098533 车内扶手 WS33002550074 Safe handhold inside the car ws33002550074 Y 1

4190001098534 电器箱总成 WS33002550136 Electrical element box assembly ws33002550136 Y 1

4190001098536 门封胶条 WS33002550079 Door seal ws33002550079 Y 1

4190001098537 门锁内开启把手 WS33002550111 Inside handle of door lock ws33002550111 Y 1

4190001098538 门锁拉杆 WS33002550116 Door lock rod ws33002550116 Y 1

4190001098539 门锁拉杆支架 WS33002550118 Bracket of door lock rod ws33002550118 Y 1

4190001098704 门锁锁体WS33002550231 Lock Y 1

4190001098541 车门内拉手 WS33002550080 Door handle(inside) Y 14190001098542 门锁盖板 WS33002550081 Door lock cover ws33002550081 Y 1

4190001098709 车门上密封条WS33002550235 Sealing strip Y 1

4190001098544 左主后视镜 Rearview mirror Y 1

4190001098545 左广角后视镜 Wide-angle rearview mirror Y 1

4190001098546 左后视镜支架 WS33002550064 Bracket of left rear view mirror ws33002550064 Y 1

4190001098547 后视镜支架垫块 Bracket rubber of rear view mirror ws33002550180 Y 1

4190001098548 左补盲镜 WS33002550058 Blind mirror Y 1

4190001098549 车门限位块(凸) Limit block of the doors Y 1

4190001098550 门锁外开启把手 WS33002550112 External open handle for door lock Y 1

4190001098551 门锁把手垫皮 Leather pad for handle Y 1

4190001098552 门窗卡条 Card strip for door and window Y 1

4190001098553 车门玻璃总成 WS33002550090 Door glass assembly ws33002550090 Y 1

4190001098554 推拉窗锁扣 Lock catch of sliding window Y 1

4190001098555 推拉窗锁 Lock Y 1

4190001098557 雨刮电机支架 Bracket of wiper motor ws33002550187 Y 1

4190001098558 油门拉线支架 Bracket of throttle cable ws33002550188 Y 1

4190001098559 组合踏板堵塞 Cramming of combination pedal Y 6

4190001098560 组合踏板面板 WS33002550093 Combination pedal panel ws33002550093 Y 1

4190001098561 离合踏板总成 WS33002550156 Clutch pedal assembly ws33002550156 Y 1

4190001098562 踏板橡胶套 WS33002550141 Rubber sleeve of pedal Y 2

4190001098563 制动踏板总成 WS33002550157 Brake pedal assembly ws33002550157 Y 1

4190001098564 油门踏板橡胶套 WS33002550169 Rubber cover of throttle pedal ws33002550169 Y 1

4190001098565 油门踏板 WS33002550162 Throttle pedal ws33002550162 Y 1

4190001098566 油门踏板轴套 WS33002550167 Throttle pedal bushing ws33002550167 Y 1

4190001098567 橡胶垫 WS33002550165 Rubber washer ws33002550165 Y 1

4190001098568 油门回位弹簧 WS33002550168 Throttle return spring ws33002550168 Y 1

4190001098569 油门支架轴杆 WS33002550163 Throttle bracket rod ws33002550163 Y 1

4190001098570 油门踏板限位支架 WS33002550166 Limit bracket of throttle pedal ws33002550166 Y 1

4190001098571 暖风机堵盖 Cover of warm air blower Y 2

4190001098572 仪表台弯管焊合组合 WS33002550097 Bent pipe assembly of console ws33002550097 Y 1

4190001098573 空调护罩总成 WS-3.3 Protecting cover of air-conditioner Y 1

4190001098574 纸滤芯罩 Filter element bonnet Y 1

4190001098575 纸滤芯 Filter element Y 1

4190001098577 前面罩锁扣 Lock catch of ex- mask Y 1

4190001098578 挡风玻璃卡条 Windshield gum Y 1

4190001098579 前面罩铰链 WS33002550072 Pintle of ex- mask Y 2

4190001098580 前围垫皮 Front coaming pad ws33002550197 Y 1

4190001098581 前围卡条 Round before gum Y 1

4190001098582 前围把手 WS33002550077 Round the handle knob before Y 1

4190001098583 雨刮连动杆 WS33002550069 Wiper linkage ws33002550069 Y 1

4190001098584 雨刮臂 Wiper arm ws33002550198 Y 2

4190001098585 雨刮片 Wiper razor ws33002550199 Y 2

4190001098501 前挡玻璃 WS33002550048 Windscreen Y 1

4190001098586 前面罩门锁外把 WS33002550063 Gate lock handle of ex- mask Y 1

4190001098587 前盖锁 WS33002550096 Lock of front cover Y 1

4190001098588 气弹簧(前面罩) Gas spring Y 2

4190001098590 仪表台面板盖板 Console cover ws33002550201 Y 1

4190001098591 中后风道总成 WS33002550026 Middle rear air duct assembly ws33002550026 Y 1

4190001098592 右侧仪表装饰条 WS33002550016 Decorative strip of right console ws33002550016 Y 1

4190001098593 水杯架右侧装饰条 WS33002550038 Right decorative strip of cup bracket ws33002550038 Y 1

4190001098594 水杯架装饰条 Decorative strip of cup bracket ws33002550202 Y 1

4190001098595 转向柱右侧装饰条 WS33002550039 Right decorative strip of steering rod ws33002550039 Y 1

4190001098596 出风口 WS33002550027 Air outlet Y 3

4190001098597 转向柱左侧装饰条 WS33002550037 Left decorative strip of steering rod ws33002550037 Y 1

4190001098598 开关面板总成 WS33002550036 Panel-switch assembly ws33002550036 Y 1

4190001098599 开关盖板 WS33002550056 Cover of switch Y 1

4190001098600 空调控制面板 WS33002550087 Faceplate of air-condition control Y 1

4120001116 方向盘FXP-460 Steering wheel Y 1

4120001116001 方向盘盖板 Plate Y 1

4120001116002 喇叭触点开关环 Ring Y 1

4120001116003 方向盘 Steering Y 1

4120001116004 弹簧片总成 Leaf spring Y 1

4190001098604 烟灰盒 Ashtray ws33002550204 Y 1

4190001098605 方向柱右侧下护罩 WS33002550033 Lower right guard of steering rod ws33002550033 Y 1

4190001098606 方向柱下护罩 WS33002550031 Lower guard of steering rod ws33002550031 Y 1

4190001098607 搁脚台总成 WS33002550035 Foot-putting platform assembly ws33002550035 Y 1

4190001098608 转向柱左侧下护罩 WS33002550034 Lower left guard of steering rod ws33002550034 Y 1

4190001098609 仪表总成左侧围(下部) WS33002550010 Left coaming of console (lower)ws33002550010 Y 1

4190001098610 仪表总成左侧围盖板 WS33002550024 Left coaming cover of console ws33002550024 Y 1

4190001098611 仪表总成左侧围(上部) WS33002550007 Left coaming of console (upper) ws33002550007 Y 1

4190001098502 转向传动轴WS33002550098 Swerve drive shaft Y 1

4190001098612 方向柱罩(后部) WS33002550042 Back cover of steering pillar Y 1

4190001098613 方向管柱 WS33002550046 Steering pillar Y 1

4190001098614 方向柱罩(前部) WS33002550043 Front cover of steering pillar Y 1

4190001098615 司机侧仪表台总成 WS33002550029 Console assembly close to the driver ws33002550029 Y 1

4190001098616 左下风道总成 WS33002550028 Lower left air duct assembly ws33002550028 Y 1

4190001098617 左侧风道总成 WS33002550027 Left air duct assembly ws33002550027 Y 1

4190001098618 左风道接头 WS33002550009 Left air duct adapter ws33002550009 Y 1

4190001098619 左除霜风道 WS33002550025 Left defrost air duct ws33002550025 Y 1

4190001098620 左前除霜风道 WS33002550012 Left front defrost air duct ws33002550012 Y 1

4190001098621 仪表板盖板总成 WS33002550032 Instrument panel cover assembly ws33002550032 Y 1

4190001098622 手制动阀支架 WS33002550142 Hand brake valve bracket ws33002550142 Y 1

4190001098623 手制动阀盖板 WS33002550041 Hand brake valve cover plate ws33002550041 Y 1

4190001098624 仪表台中上部盖板 WS33002550040 Upper middle console cover plate ws33002550040 Y 1

4190001098625 仪表台中上部软垫 WS33002550022 Upper middle console cushion ws33002550022 Y 1

4190001098626 右风道 WS33002550015 Right air duct ws33002550015 Y 1

4190001098627 右前除霜风道 Right front defrost air duct ws33002550205 Y 1

4190001098628 右端除霜风道 WS33002550014 Right defrost air duct ws33002550014 Y 1

4190001098629 仪表总成右侧围 WS33002550008 Console assembly right cover ws33002550008 Y 1

4190001098630 中央储物盒盖板 Middle storage box cover ws33002550206 Y 1

4190001098631 水杯架总成 Cup holder assembly ws33002550207 Y 1

4190001430710 暖风铝合金网 WS33002550236 Net ws33002550236 Y 4

4190001098633 后视镜支架垫块 Cushion block of support for rearview mirror Y 1

4190001098634 右后视镜支架 WS33002550044 Support of rearview mirror in terrace Y 1

4190001098635 右主后视镜 Main rearview mirror in terrace Y 1

4190001098636 右广角后视镜 Wide angle rearview mirror in terrace Y 1

4190001098637 右侧挡泥板 Plate Y 1

4190001098638 支撑杆 Rod Y 1

4190001098639 踏步防滑板一 WS33002550099 Antiskid plate i Y 1

4190001098640 踏步防滑板二 WS33002550100 Antiskid plate ii Y 1

4190001098641 软梯总成 WS33002550094 Rope ladder Y 1

4190001098642 右前下视镜 WS33002550051 Right front underview mirror Y 1

4190001098644 右前立柱内饰件 WS33002550134 Right front column interior ws33002550134 Y 1

4190001098645 右侧围内饰件 WS33002550021 Right cover interior ws33002550021 Y 1

4190001098647 锤支架 WS33002550052 Support of emergency hammer Y 1

4190001098648 锤 WS33002550053 Emergency hammer Y 1

4190001098649 右后围内饰件 WS33002550006 Right rear cover interior ws33002550006 Y 1

4190001098652 吊环 Ring Y 2

4190001098653 逃生标志 Sign of escape Y 1

4190001098554 推拉窗锁扣 Lock catch of sliding window Y 1

4190000180003 推拉窗锁 Window lock Y 1

4190001098656 右侧玻璃 WS3300255092 Right side glass ws3300255092 Y 1

4190001098657 右侧围内饰U形条 Rubber of interiors Y 1

4190001098658 气喇叭 WS33002550076 Horn Y 1

4190001098659 气喇叭接头 Connector of horn Y 1

4190001098660 气喇叭气管 Air pipe of horn Y 1

4190001098663 地垫压条(后) WS33002550138 Floor mat batten(rear) ws33002550138 Y 1

27150108121 护套 Sleeve Y 1

4190001098666 方向管柱橡胶套垫块 WS33002550107 Cushion block of sleeve for steering pillar Y 2

4190001098667 座椅盒 WS33002550135 Box of seat Y 1

4190001098668 防滑板 WS33002550132 Antiskid plate ws33002550132 Y 1

4190001098669 门槛防滑板 WS33002550082 Doorsill antiskid plate ws33002550082 Y 1

4190001098671 暖瓶底座卡条 Batten of seat for thermos bottle Y 1

4190001098672 暖瓶底座 WS33002550137 Seat of thermos bottle Y 1

4190001098673 灭火器支架 WS33002550088 Support of fire extinguisher Y 1

4190001098674 灭火器 WS33002550089 Fire extinguisher Y 1

4190001098705 门锁锁扣 Lock Y 1

4190001098677 车门限位块(凹) Limited block of car door Y 1

4190001098678 压条 WS33002550143 Batten ws33002550143 Y 1

4190001098679 门灯开关 WS33002550057 Switch of light near door Y 1

4190001098680 门限位拉钩总成 WS33002550153 Limited hook of car door Y 1

4190001098681 带总成 WS33002550059 Safety belt assembly ws33002550059 Y 1

4190001098706 车门铰链盖板WS33002550232 Cover Y 2

4190001098707 限位铰链WS33002550233 Hinge Y 2

4190001098684 左后侧玻璃 WS33002550091 Left rear glass ws33002550091 Y 1

4190001098657 右侧围内饰U形条 Rubber of interiors Y 1

4190001098686 左侧围内饰件 WS33002550002 Left cover interior ws33002550021 Y 1

4190001098652 吊环 Ring Y 2

4190001098688 上车内扶手 WS33002550075 Inner boarding handle ws33002550075 Y 1

4190001098690 左侧围上外板 WS33002550023 Left cover upper plate ws33002550023 Y 1

4190001098691 天线 WS33002550145 Antenna ws33002550145 Y 1

4190001098692 左前立柱内饰件 WS33002550133 Left anterior column inner decoration ws33002550133 Y 1

4190001098708 车门下限位块WS33002550234 Limit block Y 1

4190001098639 踏步防滑板一 WS33002550099 Antiskid plate i Y 1

4190001098640 踏步防滑板二 WS33002550100 Antiskid plate ii Y 1

4190001098641 软梯总成 WS33002550094 Rope ladder Y 1

4190001098697 左侧挡泥板 Plate Y 1

4190001098638 支撑杆 Rod Y 1

4190001098699 洗涤器水壶支架 WS33002550095 Scrubber stents kettle ws33002550095 Y 1

4190001098700 洗涤器水壶 WS33002550109 Scrubber kettle ws33002550109 Y 1

4190001098701 洗涤器水壶盖 The scrubber water bottle cower ws33002550223 Y 1

27410100351 定位板总成 Plate assembly Y 1

27130115021 支撑 Tube assembly Y 1

4015000184 垫圈GB97.1-22EpZn-300HV Washer gb97.1-22epzn-300hv N 1

27410100381 安装座 Mounting base Y 1

4016010004 开口销GB91-5*45EpZn-Q235A Split pin gb91-5*45epzn-q235a N 1

4016010127 销轴GB882-B22*100EpZn-35 Pin gb882-b22*100epzn-35 N 1

4011000197 螺栓GB5783-M12*25EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5783-m12*30epzn-8.8 N 4

4015000168 垫圈GB97.1-12EpZn-300HV Washer gb97.1-12epzn-300hv N 4

27410100391 弯板 Plate Y 1

27410100401 垫板 Plate Y 2

27160107051 液压举升系统-德普 Hydraulic lifting system N 1

4011000607 螺栓GB5782-M16*60EpZn-10.9 Bolt gb5782-m16*60epzn-10.9 N 16

4015000001 垫圈GB1230-16EpZn-45 Washer gb1230-16epzn-45 N 44

27160106411 调整垫片 Trimmed gasket N 1

27160106421 调整垫片 Trimmed gasket N 1

27160106431 调整垫片 Trimmed gasket N 1

4013010136 螺母GB6185-M16EpZn-10 Nut gb6185-m16epzn-10 N 28

4011010012 螺栓GB5782-M16*65EpZn-10.9 Bolt Y 12

27160100061 支架 Bracket Y 1

4011010234 螺栓GB16674-M6*12EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb16674-m6*12epzn-8.8 N 3

4011000084 螺栓GB5783-M10*30EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5783-m10*30epzn-8.8 N 2

4015000162 垫圈GB97.1-10EpZn-300HV Washer gb97.1-10epzn-300hv N 2

4013000007 螺母GB6170-M10EpZn-8 Nut gb6170-m10epzn-8 N 2

27160100361 气管(L7000) Hose(l7000) Y 1

27160100391 气管(L1900) Air tube(l1900) Y 1

27160100371 气管(L6000) Air hose(l6000) Y 1

4011000261 螺栓GB5782-M12*65EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5782-m12*65epzn-8.8 N 4

27160104481 减震垫 Pad Y 4

4013000011 螺母GB6170-M12EpZn-8 Nut gb6170-m12 epzn-8 N 13

4120000953 双头双层卡箍50-60 Double ended and two stack clampe Y 2

27160106271 走线护套 Guard N 2

27160100461 螺旋护皮 Spiral sheath Y 2

27160104451 吸油胶管 Oil suction rubber tube Y 1

4011010334 螺栓GB5782-M12*60EpZn-10.9 Bolt gb5782-m12*60epzn-10.9 N 4

27160104721 泵用密封垫 Gasket Y 1

4015000168 垫圈GB97.1-12EpZn-300HV Washer gb97.1-12epzn-300hv N 13

4013000150 螺母GB6170-M12EpZn-10 Nut gb6170-m12epzn-10 Y 4

27160100481 螺旋护皮 Spiral sheath Y 2

4011000455 螺栓GB16674-M8*25EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb16674-m8*25epzn-8.8 N 3

4013000033 螺母GB6170-M8EpZn-8 Nut gb6170-m8epzn-8 N 3

4015000072 垫圈GB97.1-8EpZn-300HV Washer gb97.1-8epzn-300hv N 3

29030012901 管夹 Clamp Y 3

27160104461 板 Plate Y 4

4011000090 螺栓GB5783-M12*35EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5783-m12*35epzn-8.8 N 4

27150106111 管夹 Pipe clamp Y 1

4011000092 螺栓GB5783-M12*50EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5783-m12*50epzn-8.8 N 1

4120001102 MT86H液压举升系统 Hydraulic lifting system Y 1

4120001020 举升缸172-4-4700-250bar Hydraulic lifting cylinder Y 1

4120001006 油缸支架(左) Cylinder brucket-left Y 1

4120001010 黄油嘴 Oil tap Y 4

4120001008 车架支架 Frame bracket Y 1

27160105701 高压胶管-1500 High pressure hose -1500 Y 1

4120000581 直接头1CB-36-16-WD Rectangular nipple 1cb-36-16-wd Y 2

27160106881 车架支架 Frame bracket Y 1

4120001018 限位阀 Stop valve Y 1

4120001007 油缸支架(右) Cylinder brucket-right Y 1

27160105501 液压油箱总成 Hydraulic oil tank assembly N 1

4041001211 组合接头LGB143-03625 Combi nipple lgb143-03625 Y 3

4120000990 单向阀 Check valve Y 1

4120001021 举升阀 Tipping valve Y 1

4120001011 低压直角接头 G1 1/4\"-φ46 Low pressure rectangular nipple Y 1

4120001019 举升泵-250bar Pump Y 1

4190001242 接头GE28LR1 1/4EDOMD Joint-ge28lr1 1/4edomd Y 1

27160105721 高压胶管-2800 High pressure hose -2800 Y 1

4120001017 控制气阀 Air control valve Y 1

4120000317 液位计YWZ-127 Level ywz-127 Y 1

27160105491 液压油箱体 Hydraulic tank Y 1

4011000461 螺栓GB16674-M8*16EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb16674-m8*16epzn-8.8 N 4

4120000303 加油滤清呼吸器 Oil filter Y 1

4011000458 螺栓GB16674-M8*20EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb16674-m8*20ep.zn-8.8 N 18

4041000774 螺塞LGB135-01422 Plug lgb13501421 Y 2

4041000767 O形圈LGB168-11124 O-ring lgb168-11124 Y 2

27160105531 回油法兰盘总成 Oil return flange assembly Y 1

4030000633 O形圈GB3452.1-128*3.55G O-ring gb3452.1-128*3.55g Y 3

4120000304 回油滤芯 Return oil filter Y 1

4011000153 螺栓GB16674-M6*16EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb16674-m6*16epzn-8.8 N 8

4030000165 O形圈GB3452.1-51.5*2.65G O-ring gb3452.1-51.5*2.65g Y 2

4030000130 O形圈GB3452.1-47.5*3.55G O-ring gb3452.1-47.5*3.55g Y 2

4120000669 环形磁铁LG03-CT58*20*13 Ring magnet lg03-ct58*20*13 Y 1

27160105801 放油法兰盖 Release oil flange cover Y 1

27160105781 举升开关阀芯 Elevation switch value spool Y 1

27160105751 转向开关阀芯 Steering switch value spool Y 1

27160106261 加油呼吸器支座 Oil charging breather bracket Y 1

4190001482 冷凝器安装总成 Condenser installation assembly Y 1

27210102671 压缩机安装总成 Compressor assembly N 1

4015000197 垫圈GB96.1-10EpZn-300HV Washer gb96.1-10epzn-300hv N 8

4011000497 螺栓GB5782-M10*65EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5782-m10*65epzn-8.8 N 2

4015000162 垫圈GB97.1-10EpZn-300HV Washer gb97.1-10epzn-300hv N 8

4013000007 螺母GB6170-M10EpZn-8 Nut gb6170-m10epzn-8 N 8

4011000084 螺栓GB5783-M10*30EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5783-m10*30epzn-8.8 N 6

27210101673 暖风进水管 Heating pipe (suction) Y 1

4017000011 喉箍JB8870-d32 Clamp jb8870-d32 N 4

27210101683 暖风出水管 Heating pipe(outlet) Y 1

27210101701 双管夹 Double nipple clamp Y 2

4015000198 垫圈GB96.1-6EpZn-300HV Washer gb96.1-6epzn-300hv N 2

4013000028 螺母GB6170-M6EpZn-8 Nut gb6170-m6epzn-8 N 2

4011000082 螺栓GB5783-M10*25EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5783-m10*25epzn-8.8 N 2

4013010007 螺母GB6171-M14*1.5EpZn-10 Nut gb6171-m14*1.5epzn-10 Y 3

27210102491 调整块 Trimming block Y 1

27210102391 活动块 Active block Y 1

27210102701 调整螺杆 Adjust stud Y 1

4013010120 螺母GB6185-M12EpZn-8 Nut gb6185-m12epzn-8 N 1

27210102681 压缩机支架 Compressor bracket Y 1

4011010395 螺栓GB16674-M12*30-12.9 Bolt gb16674-m12*30-12.9 Y 4

4011000186 螺栓GB5782-M12*55EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5782-m12*55epzn-8.8 N 1

4011000504 螺栓GB5782-M10*40EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5782-m10*40epzn-8.8 N 4

4013010119 螺母GB6185-M10EpZn-8 Nut gb6185-m10epzn-8 N 4

4013010121 螺母GB6185-M14EpZn-8 Nut gb6185-m14epzn-8 N 2

27210102711 过渡板 Transition plate Y 2

4011000067 螺栓GB5782-M14*55EpZn-8.8 Bolt gb5782-m14*55epzn-8.8 N 2

27210101541 压缩机皮带 Compressor belt Y 1

27210101481 压缩机总成 Compressor assembly Y 1

4190000480 1#转向器 1#steering box Y 1

4190000481 2#转向器 2#steering box Y 1

4190000283001 壳体 Shell Y 1

4190000479 调速晶体管 Governor transistor Y 1

4190000283008 室内温度传感器 Interior temperature sensor Y 1

4190000482 3#转向器 3#steering box Y 1

4190000283002 蒸发器 Evaporator Y 1

4190000283004 暖风芯件 Heating core Y 1

4190000283006 蒸发风机 Evaporator blower Y 1

4190000283005 水阀出水管总成 Water valve outlet assembly Y 1

4190000283003 膨胀阀 Expansion valve Y 1

4190001491 冷凝器总成 Condenser assembly Y 1

4190001215 压冷连接管 Pipe between compressor and condenser Y 1

4190001216 蒸储连接管 Pipe between vaporizer and reservoir Y 1

4190001217 压蒸连接管 Pipe between compressor and vaporizer Y 1

4190001218 护罩组件 Guard assembly Y 1

4190001492 冷凝风机 Condenser fan Y 1

4190001224 冷凝机体 Condenser Y 1

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