
油压千斤顶 使用说明书 翻译

油压千斤顶使用说明书上海宝山液压工具厂宝杨路3020号警告在操作该装置以前,应阅读理解说明书的全部内容。严禁超载操作。只有在硬质支承面上方能使用。只能顶升,不能作支撑工具。不能在使用千斤顶顶升的物体下工作。不遵守上述安全警示会导致人身伤害或财产损失。电话:56801218 56801448 56802145电报挂号:8647 传真号:56800813邮政编码:201901一、 应用范围油压千斤顶是一种简单的起重工具,适用于桥梁架设和工厂、仓库、码头、堆栈重物及汽车轮胎和拖拉机履带的更换,也可用于船体龙骨安装或焊接等工作。使用本品,可减轻劳动强度,提高工作效率。二、 性能参数名称参数型号 起重量(t) 最低高度≤(mm) 起升高度≥(mm) 调整高度≥(mmQYL2D Ⅰb 2 158 90 60QYL4D Ⅰb 4 170 100 60QYL6D Ⅰb 6 200 125 70QYL8D Ⅰb 8 200 125 60QYL10D Ⅰb 10 200 125 70QYL12.5D Ⅰb 12.5 215 125 70QYL16D Ⅰb 16 230 150 70QYL20D Ⅰb 20 240 150 60QYL20D Ⅱb 20 240 150 70QYL20B Ⅰb 20 200 100 60QYL32D Ⅰb 32 260 165 -QYL32D Ⅰgb 32 260 145 -QYL50D Ⅰgb 50 270 145 -生产许可证编号:XK06-206-00564三、 附件2-50吨油压千斤顶各附件手柄壹件四、 使用方法与主要事项1. 起重前先把手柄的开槽端套入回油阀杆,并将回油阀杆按顺时针方向旋紧。2. 手柄插入揿手孔内上下揿动,活塞杆即平稳上升顶起重物,由于本千斤顶内有限位装置,故顶至一定高度则不再上升。3. 欲使活塞下降,只须用手柄开槽端将回油阀杆按逆时针方向微微旋松,活塞杆即缓缓下降。如有载荷回油阀杆旋转不能太快,否则下降速度过大将产生危险。4. 起重前必须估计物体重量,切记超载使用。5. 使用时必须确定物体重心,选择千斤顶的着力点,放置平稳,同时还必须考虑地面的软硬程度,必须时应垫以坚韧的木板,以防起重时产生歪斜甚至倾倒。6. 重物顶起以后,应在重物下适当位置垫以坚韧的木料(或其他材料)支承,以防万一千斤顶失灵而造成危险。7. 如果数台千斤顶并用,起升速度应保持同步,且每台千斤顶的负荷也应均衡,否则将产生倾倒之危险。8. 本千斤顶在-5℃~+45℃中使用,采用(GB443-91)N15机械油;在-5℃~-20℃中使用,采用(GB442-64)合成锭子油。千斤顶须保持足够的经过滤洁的工作油否则将达不到额定的起升高度。9. 使用时应避免急剧的震动。合格证产品名称:油压千斤顶型号:QYL10t检验员:检1号日期:2006年7月24日产品经检验合格准予出厂上海宝山液压工具厂
提问者:网友 2017-09-29
Shanghai Baoshan hydraulic tool plant Po Yang Road, 3020 Warning The device in operation before the statement should be read to understand the full content. Overloading operation is prohibited. Supported only in hard surface access. Only the top or not and support tools. Jack can not use the top of the object or work. Non-compliance with the safety warning will lead to personal injury or property damage. Tel: 56801218 56801448 56802145 Dianbaoguahao: 8647, fax: 56800813 Postal Code: 201901 First, the scope of application Hydraulic jack is a simple lifting tools for building bridges and factories, warehouses, wharves, stack weights and vehicle tires and replacement of the tractor crawler, can also be used to install the hull or keel welding work. Using this product, reduce labor intensity and enhance efficiency. Second, the performance parameters Model parameters name from the weight (t) minimum height ≤ (mm) or from the high degree of ≥ (mm) height adjustment ≥ (mm QYL2D Ⅰ b 2 158 90 60 QYL4D Ⅰ b 4 170 100 60 QYL6D Ⅰ b 6 200 125 70 QYL8D Ⅰ b 8 200 125 60 QYL10D Ⅰ b 10 200 125 70 QYL12.5D Ⅰ b 12.5 215 125 70 QYL16D Ⅰ b 16 230 150 70 QYL20D Ⅰ b 20 240 150 60 QYL20D Ⅱ b 20 240 150 70 QYL20B Ⅰ b 20 200 100 60 QYL32D Ⅰ b 32 260 165 -- QYL32D Ⅰ gb 32 260 145 -- QYL50D Ⅰ gb 50 270 145 -- Production license #: XK06-206-00564 3, annex 2-50 ton hydraulic jack handle one of the Annex Fourth, the use of methods and key issues 1. Lifting the handle first before slotting into the back end sets of stem oil and oil to stem the clockwise direction Xuanjin. 2. Insert press handle hand hole from top to bottom press dynamic, rod that is lifting the top of a smooth rise, as the jack in the limited digital device, the top-to a certain height is no longer rising. 3. Spare the Pistons fell, with only handle grooving to the oil terminal will stem the anti-clockwise rotation slightly loose, rod that is slowly declining. If loads can not rotate back to stem the oil too fast, otherwise the general rate of decline in the risk. 4. Objects estimated to be lifting weights, keep in mind the use of overloading. 5. Objects used to determine center of gravity, the choice of Jack focal point, placing a smooth, but must also consider the hard and soft ground level, we must be tenacious wooden mats to prevent a skew even when lifting the dumping. 6. Weights from the top, the weights should be in a suitable position under the pad to the tenacity of wood (or other material) support, just in case Jack failed and dangerous. 7. If several jack and use, up from the rate should keep pace, and each of the load jack should also be balanced, otherwise would have dumped dangerous. 8. Jack in this -5 ℃ ~ +45 ℃ in use, use of (GB443-91) N15 mechanical oil in -5 ℃ ~ -20 ℃ to use, use of (GB442-64) of the spindle oil. Jack must maintain sufficient by the filters clean the oil or else the work will be less than the lifting rated highly. 9. Should avoid the use of a sharp shock. Certification Product Name: hydraulic jack Model: QYL10t Examiner: seized on the 1st Date: July 24, 2006 Product has been granted pre-qualified test Shanghai Baoshan hydraulic tool plant



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